Untitled (After the Eric Garner verdict or when leaving on a sailboat isn't enough)
single channel video (no sound)
1 min 44 sec

Untitled (After the Eric Garner verdict or when leaving on a sailboat isn't enough)

A result of my residency at EL Museo del Barrio, part of "Back in Five Minutes" a project of Nicolas Dumit Estevez. My residency culminated in an installation titled "Alicia in 3 Parts". It consisted of photography and video on ideas regarding identity, race, and current events.

While in residency at El Museo del Barrio, the Eric Garner verdict in New York City was announced. It was a moment for me, after a long chain of current events, where I reconsidered my purpose as an artist. Looking back at Bas Jan Ader's 1971 performance piece, "I'm too sad to tell you", I chose not to be ambiguous. I lament the loss of the miraculous. The tears are real as is my position as a woman artist of color. The tension I create is on the viewer and whether or not to lament the verdict and what it implies.

