The People's Cultural Plan
The People’s Cultural Plan (PCP) is a bold grassroots initiative uniting activists, artists, and cultural organizations to advocate for equity in New York City’s arts, culture, and policies. We organized from 2016 to 2020 through Twitter campaigns, community meetings, and collaboration with cultural workers, PCP emerged as a response to the city’s first official cultural plan, amplifying the voices and needs of NYC residents. It addresses urgent issues like displacement, exploitation, and inequitable funding, which disproportionately harm working-class artists, communities of color, and underfunded organizations. PCP demands transformative changes, including ending gentrification-driven displacement, equitable inclusion of cultural workers of color, fair wages, and just public funding distribution. We started off as a small group of 4 and grew to create a coalition of cultural workers who advised specifically around the 3 platforms in PCP.
Personal reflection Organized Hope: Reflections on the People’s Cultural Plan for The LatinX Project
Link to our first write up Artists and Activists Propose a People’s Cultural Plan for New York City
Link to Artforum piece