PHOTO-Based projects > From March to June: At Home with Essential Workers

 March 31, 2020: Rikers Island Prisoners Are Being Offered PPE and $6 an Hour to Dig Mass Graves
March 31, 2020: Rikers Island Prisoners Are Being Offered PPE and $6 an Hour to Dig Mass Graves
Archival Color Dye Sublimation Print on Aluminum
40" x 60"

March 31, 2020: Rikers Island Prisoners Are Being Offered PPE and $6 an Hour to Dig Mass Graves

These self-portraits were created in my home in New York City during the Covid-19 quarantine, From March To June 2020. In this body of work, I simultaneously document my time at home and current affairs affecting the nation during quarantine. As performances, they are sites of mapping, engaging in participatory approaches of record keeping with my body.

The titles refer to dates the images were taken and news articles from that time regarding the treatment of essential workers and incarcerated people during the pandemic. This selection from the series concludes with an image taken on the day of protests in the Bronx against police violence, following the murder of George Floyd. The series is still in progress.

Archival Digital Photograph. 60" x 40". These self-portraits are embodied performances of essential workers created in my home in New York City during the Covid-19 quarantine, From March To June 2020. The title includes the date on which they were taken and a link to an article on that date related to the essential worker portrayed.