Portrait of an Artist next to the Metropolitan Museum of Art/Koch Plaza,/ Retrato de un artista al lado del Museo Metropolitano de Arte / Koch Plaza
Portrait of an Artist next to the Metropolitan Museum of Art/Koch Plaza,/ Retrato de un artista al lado del Museo Metropolitano de Arte / Koch Plaza
Silver print on fiber paper
16” x 20”

This image is a re-enactment of the "I am too Princeton" project by Princeton University students (itooamprinceton.tumblr.com) addressing issues of race and persistent in the academy. I first photographed artist Nicolas Dumit Estevez and asked him to refer to the Princeton project and come up with a caption of his own. Nicolas referred to a book titled Christ Outside the Gate: Mission Beyond Christendom for the captions on the white board. I selected the setting to be outside the Metropolitan Museum of Art in front of the Koch Plaza, a location famous world wide where many artists long to be validated. The image questions how art institutions address issues of race and the significance of other in making of what has come to be regarded art.